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Church Online
Hail the Crucified King
Adam Darbonne
Matthew 27:27-44 I Jesus Crucified
An Uncomfortable Salvation
Mckenna Takach
Matthew 27:45-66 I The Death and Burial of Jesus
The Resurrected King
Rob Hall
Matthew 28:1-20 I The Resurrection and Great Commission
When God Says "No"
Matthew 26:36-56 I Jesus in Gethsemane and Jesus arrested
Peter's Perspective
Matthew 26:57-27:10 I The Jewish Trial of Jesus
Who Killed Jesus?
Matthew 27:11-26 I The Roman Trial of Jesus
Selling Out
Matthew 26:1-16 I Plot, Annointing, and Betrayal
Around the Table
Matthew 26:17-35 I Passover and the Lord's Supper
Even "Them"
Matthew 15:21-39 I Jesus' Compassion and Authority to Feed and Heal
Who Do You Say I Am?
Matthew 16:1-20 I Looking for a Sign and Peter's Confession
Christian H
Matthew 16:21-28 I Discipleship
A Changed Life
Matthew 17:1-13 I The Transfiguration
Mustard Seed Faith
Matthew 17:14-27 I Sons of the Kingdom
You're being a Child
Matthew 18:1-20 I Life in the Kingdom
Choosing Forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35 I Lavish Forgiveness in the Kingdom
For the Sake of the Kingdom
Matthew 19:1-12 I Divorce
The Way Up is Down
Matthew 19:13-20:16 I Jesus Warns of Presuming Reward and Status
Jesus is the Example of Service
Matthew 20:17-28 I Jesus is the Example of Service
King Me
Matthew 20:29-21:11 I Jesus Enters Jerusalem as a Humble King
Beyond Religion: The Purpose of Faith and Worship
Jeff Louie
Matthew 21:12-22 I Jesus' Authority as the Messiah in Jerusalem
The Wide-Open Kingdom
Matthew 21:23-22:14 I Three Parables about the Unfaithfulness of the Jewish Leaders
Confronting Jesus
Matthew 22:15-46 I Jesus, Messiah and Lord, is True Interpreter of the Torah
How to Become a Villain
Matthew 23:1-12 I A Warning Against the Hypocrisy of the Jewish Leaders
Living Inside Out
Matthew 23:13-39 I Warnings of Judgement on the teachers of the law and Pharisees
The Return of the King
Matthew 24:1-35 I Prediction of the Temple's Destruction
Stay Ready
Matthew 24:36-25:13 I Being Prepared for Jesus' Return
Being Faithful & Merciful
Matthew 25:14-46 Being Faithful and Merciful
We Pursue Authentic Community
Authentic Community
The Hidden Kingdom
Matthew 13:24-53 I More Parables and the "Already and Not Yet Kingdom"
Stumbling Past Jesus
Matthew 13:54-14:12 I Herod and Hometown Misunderstand Jesus
Can I Trust the Pilot?
Matthew 14:13-36 I Jesus feeds 5000, Walks on water and Heals the sick
Jesus' Mission
Matthew 9:35-10:1-23 I Jesus' mission and his missonaries
The Mission
Mark Mitchell
Matthew 10:24-11:1 I Call to Allegiance to Jesus
Deal With Your Doubt
Adam Dabornne
Matthew 11:2-19 I Jesus a Isaianic Messiah
Choose Wisely!
Matthew 11:20-30 I Jesus as God's Wisdom is a Hidden Reality
Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 12:1-14 I Sabbath Controversies with the Pharisees
Jesus Is Not Judge Judy
Matthew 12:15-21 I Jesus as the Servant of the Lord
See Jesus Clearly
Matthew 12:22-50 I Pharisees Reject the Divine Origin of Jesus
Sow More Seed
Matthew 13:1-23 I The Parable of the Sower
Jeff Gilbert | Active Faith vs Passive Faith
Jeff Gilbert
Special Sunday
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: Jesus is Willing
Matthew 8:1-17 I Jesus Heals Many
01-14-2018 - Eddie Williams | King & Kingdom: Jesus' Authority To Perform Miracles
Eddie Williams
Matthew 8:18-9:8 I Jesus' Authority to Perform Miracles
McKenna Mitchell | New Year’s Eve: The Party That Never Ends
Mckenna Mitchell
Stand Alone Message: Revelation 4
Adam Darbonne | King & Kingdom: Born for this
Matthew 1:18-25 I The Birth of Jesus
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: A Tale of Two Kings
Matthew 2:1-12 I The Visit of the Magi
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: Out of Egypt
Matthew 2:13-23 I Out of Egypt
Adam Darbonne | King & Kingdom: When the Lord Comes to Dinner
Matthew 3:1-17 I The Ministry of John the Baptist
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: The Test
Matthew 4:1-11 I The Temptation of Jesus
McKenna Mitchell | King & Kingdom: Not Who We Expected
McKenna Takach
Matthew 4:12-25 I Jesus’ Early Galilean Ministry
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: The Blessings of the Kingdom
Matthew 5:1-16 I The Norms and the Witness of the Kingdom
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: The Law Fulfilled
Matthew 5:17-20 I Jesus and the Law: Part One
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: Kingdom People
Matthew 5:21-48 I Jesus and the Law: Part Two
Adam Darbonne | King & Kingdom: For Your Eyes Only
Matthew 6:1-18 I Overcoming Religious Hypocrisy
Mark Mitchell | King & Kingdom: Your Treasure and Your Trust
Matthew 6:19-34 I Kingdom vs. Worldly Perspective
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: The Golden Rule of Relationships
Matthew 7:1-12 I The Golden Rule
Adam Darbonne | King & Kingdom: Pay Attention
Matthew 7:13-29 I Call to Decision and Commitment
Rob Hall | King & Kingdom: The One!
Matthew 1:1-17 I The Genealogy of Jesus