New North’s Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023
As I look back over the past year and read our impact report, I’m incredibly grateful for the Lord’s work and your partnership with us. This year was incredible on many fronts. We continue to grow both in depth and in breadth.
In depth, we’ve taught through several very impactful sermon series from a study on the life of Jesus in Mark, to a series on anxiety and most recently, our core values. In breadth, we continue to grow, new people are engaging with us and life is coming back to our church again.
Our global and local outreach is expanding and we’ve added key people to our staff and volunteer teams. Grateful. But, it also hasn’t been an easy year either. Our Worship & Creative Pastor Tim had a major health scare, but even then, we’ve seen God’s hand in him and our church as people rallied around to support.
As we look forward to this year, I’m excited. As we lean more into our 10-year vision, I’m expectant to see how God will continue to put the pieces of the vision together. I’m eager to see how and where He will lead us. I believe strongly, He will provide multiple facilities for our expansion and kingdom growth. And I trust He will bring us all the people, resources and finances we need to accomplish the vision He’s given us. I’ll be looking for all the ways He will move. Join me in prayer and keep your eyes open for Him to move.
Grace & Peace,
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The New North Year-End Offering is your opportunity to participate in our vision
In 2023, our church will be more focused than ever to live out our core values and live out our mission of making and maturing more followers of Jesus Christ.
Make your impactDiving deep into this community helped me make meaningful, deep, beautiful connections with other believers who have quickly become some of my good friends. It’s been a whirlwind and I love every moment of it. God has blessed me with amazing friendships. From my community group, fellow young adults, and everyone else I’ve gotten to interact with at the church, they have pursued me and poured into me just as Jesus continues to pursue and grow me more like Him. To the moment of my baptism this past Easter 2023, I am immensely blessed to see the tapestry of my life that God has curated for me and the impact I could make at New North.
Worship & Creative Pastor
Looking back over the last year, we have certainly experienced blessing in our efforts to build His church and to love and serve our communities well. A wave of momentum in our Sunday worship services has been consistent and noticeable. Steady attendance growth and a deepening passion for the presence of God is evident in our corporate worship expression as we gather. Our teams have been renewed with a year of expansion, including new team members and leaders stepping into place. We have also felt inward growth, mentorship and development within our Worship & Creative ministry environments and this has brought a sense of rejuvenation and purpose. If I could sum up a theme I have seen weaving throughout, it’s that we are desiring to be faithful with the little we have right in front of us, knowing that God wants to entrust us with more in the days ahead.
Camps are a powerful way to deeply connect with our Students. We have walked with them as they wrestle with their faith, while helping them navigate through these teenage years.
MSM & HSM students attended winter and summer camps
students stood up and declared their faith in Jesus Christ
students got baptized
Jesus has authority over our lives
We work to cultivate a Jesus-centered culture that is humble, vulnerable, and submits to the teachings of the Bible
Lead Pastor
We spent the majority of the year studying the Gospel of Mark in its entirety. Here’s the main idea – Jesus is God's Son and Messiah who has all of God's power and authority. He was crucified willingly, rejected by his own people, only to be raised again so that anyone who believes in him will be saved. That’s Good News! But, here’s the question we all have to answer – will you follow Jesus, the suffering servant king, through death and into resurrection life?
Jesus is at the center of our day
Our Community Life Ministries are opportunities to help each of us develop the kinds of relationships that lead to life change and deeper faith in Jesus.
Women attend Women's Bible Study
Men attended Men’s Fraternit
Mothers participated in MOPS
Full community groups
We’ve given over $82,529 to 13 Global and Local
Outreach Partners spanning 8 countries
Our community care fund which supported over 200 families with meals and rent assistance, and specific needs of partners near and far.
Global Partners:
Local Partners:
Christmas Eve Offering:
Community Care:
Honduras Go Trip Member
God took a group of strangers, gelled us, and now we’re best friends. It didn't matter if you couldn’t speak Spanish or do a certain skill, it’s if you had an open and willing heart.
Contribution by Type
General Offering
Ministry Income
Community Life
Total Non-restricted Income
Last Fiscal Year Total
Restricted Income
OTHER Restricted Income
Community Care
Christmas Eve Giving
Student Scholarship Fund
Dream Fund
Minister’s Housing Fund
Total Restricted Income
Last Fiscal Year Total
2022/2023 Expense Summary
Staffing & Benefits
Facilities & Operations
Administrative & Services
Campus/Digital Ops & Comms
Ministry & Leadership
Community Life
Worship & Creative
Leadership, Development & Culture
Local & Global Outreach
Total Expenses
laST Fiscal Year Total
Ministry & Leadership Expenses
Leadership, Development and Culture
Worship & Creative
Community Life
Local & Global Outrech
Use your checking account “Bill Pay” feature and select New North Church as the Payee or send a check to our PO Box 766 Daly City, CA 94017
Give through equity such as stocks or mutual funds by emailing [email protected]
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