What is Alpha?

Alpha, a 8 week, open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus without judgement or pressure.

We are meeting on Mondays evenings for dinner and discussion 6:30 - 8:30 pm from September 9 through October 28


We want to hear your thoughts and questions

As we explore these themes together no matter where you find yourself fitting spiritually. Each week, we will look at a different question around faith and open the conversation to everyone in the group, no matter what beliefs they hold. Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next?

Everyone is welcome

You don’t need a certain background, opinion, or your reason for joining. Your unique story adds to the conversation and leads to greater insight.

How it Works?

We'll meet every week for 6 weeks for dinner, a video, and guided discussion based on various aspects of faith. The series will come to a close with a day retreat.


Anyone interested in helping lead a table group, please email Missy here.

Ready to join the journey?
Starting September 9 - October 28, 2024
Mondays 6:30-8:30pm for dinner + discussion